Presented for your consideration is The MY (Mine&Your) Plan.
Our K-12 schools are broke and broken. If we can't find a solution to help fund public schools, other than solely just with our tax dollars, things will remain the same. That's just a fact. Even when high school graduates head off to college, they will immediately create a decades-long college tuition debt for themselves. Currently we have a 1.7 Trillion dollar national tuition debt. Latinos, then blacks, are the two cultures that do not graduate high school the most of all cultures. These kids, more than others, are then often left to simply fall by the wayside financially and emotionally in life.
Educationally, that's where we are as a country; and there's no denying it. To people like us that formulate solutions for a living, this is simply just an inept and very poor funding design that is repairable.
The plan that can change that is now finally here; but our group cannot do this alone.
If you choose not to help, knowing there is an answer, yet still willing to leave kids behind who’ve always been left behind, how do you possibly justify that in your conscience?
You think we are asking for your help. Nope. We are giving you the opportunity to use your resource at crescendo level, just as we are using ours.
If something has not been triggered in you at this point to want to help, I’d stop reading.
You are about to read creative problem-solving at its finest. I realize that's quite a statement; but the group that brings you The MY Plan for consideration has formulated solutions for corporations globally for over 40 years; and we are damn good at it. In fact, we don't miss. I would apologize for how that may come across, but this is not the time for self-abnegation. This is the time to come forward if you know you have the answer, lay it out there, and then let others challenge it. Good luck with that. Our group has challenged the MY concept up one side and down the other internally for 15 years. We know it will work.
We're just sick and tired of seeing children, especially those in low income communities struggle to get a fair and equal opportunity for a good education. A fair opportunity is not happening for those that need it most; and nothing on the horizon is changing that if there’s no huge new resource of money to be found. Period. So, our group decided to apply our problem-solving skills to our schools and communities to see if we could do for them what we have done for corporations, which has many times been to literally save their businesses with a solution that eluded them and all others they consulted.
Please don't think this presentation is written in unprofessional speech. We just realize that you can’t get people to read jack these days; and this is not a business proposal presentation. This is you and I thinking together. I am talking to you here in the style as if you and I were old friends trying to figure something out.
So here we go…
It’s 2025, yet many public schools in our nation still do not have even the most basic of classroom resources.
Don’t believe me?
Have you heard the story of Mr. Henry Darby, the high school principal in North Charleston S.C.?
Meet Henry.
Henry is no Spring chicken; yet after school, he also works the graveyard shift at his local Walmart from 10p.m til’ 7a.m. for some extra money. So, with no sleep, Henry heads straight to his school when he gets off work. Henry then rations out his meager Walmart income to his students and to his community, where 90% of his students live under the poverty line. Henry also tries to spread his little Walmart profit around to his teachers as well, so that they can buy the most basic of classroom resources that they and many other teachers across the nation are paying for out of their own pockets these days because our education system is hemorrhaging on all fronts financially.
Does someone with Henry’s heart and willingness, make you question your own? It does me.
Does that mean Henry cares more than I do?
That’s the question that really bothers me.
Kindly speaking, this is beyond inept BS in our so-called 2025 AI, technologically-advanced America, that we allow such a reality to still exists for Henry, and for those he lives to serve.
You and I, no matter our culture, should be highly offended, and probably ashamed, if we accept Henry fate as fact, and do nothing to act when the solution, that is The MY Plan, comes along. What MY offers would completely transform Henry’s kid’s present and future quality of life through educational opportunities they will never have unless and until we make MY our new reality. But guess what? MY will provide for all children, no matter their income, race, or culture.
The answer is here; but you and I have to be willing to slow down for just a damn second from our fast-pace, and allow 5 minutes to listen to the solution from the people that know.
First of all, thank you. I can only imagine the number of requests I am sure you receive. That being said, you will be glad that you are here.
Now, let’s get after it and discover The MY Plan.
The fact that you are reading this means that you have, or you represent someone who has a particular resource that our group has identified as being a vital link if The MY Plan is ever to be introduced to those that can take then make MY our new reality going forward.
The MY Plan is the creation of a new mass-funding for educational dollars entity. MY would cover all the K-12 and college tuition educational dollar needs that are over-and-above what current funds taken from our tax dollars does not provide. MY would dependably and perpetually, day after day, from this point forward, generate the massive funds that are needed for each and every public, private, charter, special needs….you name it. All K-12 school in America, from coast-to-coast, would never be lacking again for the funds to purchase all the learning resources. From this point forward, MY would also create the funds needed to pay-off all past college tuition govt. loans, no matter how old, for the 42.8 million Americans that are trying to pay-off our 1.7 Trillion dollar national tuition debt.
The good news, is that last year alone, educational philanthropist donated 68 Billion to education. Why is that good news? Because donating 68 Billion shows that there are those out there that are funding big dollars trying to help. They’re looking and willing to pay for an answer. We want to show them, and you, what a permanent solution looks like. Once we are all on the same page, we can then all come togetehr as a group and discuss the most important part of MY, the implementation plan.
Specifically, what is needed from you, is your resource of notoriety that everyone knows you have graciously offered time and again to try and make things better. You have lent your name, you have donated money, raised money, and you have given much of your time. What you have not had a chance to do though, is to apply your resource to an actual solution, simply because there has never been a solution ever offered before now that challenges that it can actually “solve” the school funding problems. With your help, for the first time ever, we can actually “fix” the leak in this boat, as opposed to just constantly bailing water by seeking donations and gifting $$’s from rich philanthropists just to keep this education-boat afloat.
We have to stop standing there with our hand out waiting for philanthropic donations and “gifting” to co-fund education. Gifting will never pay for all that is needed, and empowers no one but the wealthy giver.
If transformational educational and nation-wide community renewal (and you can’t have one without the other) are ever truly going to happen, then everyone has to realize that they have a resource to offer. Kids simply need to have a chance. They need a completely equal chance, no matter their economic status. They need a completely funded A+ caliber K-12 education, no matter their culture. Lastly, all kids need a 100% zero tuition college education as well.
Sending kids off to college while simultaneously straddling them with an often life-long college tuition loan debt the moment they receive their HS diploma is setting them up for a lifetime of anxiety and financial struggle. In short, our current 100% tax-dollars-only-educational-funding system is creating families that are forever behind the economic eight-ball, and burdened by debt.
MY radically changes all that, permanently.
So you and I both have a huge decision to make here. We can keep sitting on our hands and let this, our possible life’s crescendo that the future generations of your family will remember you by, get by you; or you can take the time to listen and discover how it is going to take both of us, and how we can make this happen together.
Me? I chose to be a facilitator for The MY Plan because I “got it” as soon as I read it. I knew I had finally just read the idea that would provide all school funding, while simultaneously providing equal learning opportunity for all; and I wanted to be a part. Though not authored by me personally, I do often work with the members of The Good Idee Group. I can assure you, the GIG’s gift is finding and maximizing resources. They are creative geniuses unlike any I have ever worked with. Their solutions always work. Having done this for over 40 years now, they are very, very good at it. I kid them that they are artists that sculpt in “thought-solutions,” and it’s true. But MY? MY is different. In my opinion, it is their crescendo. It could also be my crescendo if it makes it’s way through to you. That means MY would also then become your crescendo as well. In my opinion, MY is the most perfect of ideas.
Until now, no individual, no group, , no political party, no entity of any kind, has offered a plausible solution as to how we in our nation, could even begin to fund all the educational resources that we all agree are so needed. The Good Idee Group has taken their gift of problem solving for corporations, re-applied to all kid’s futures, thus developing the MY Plan.
With The MY Plan in place, your child’s future college tuition would be long paid-off well before they even begin their Freshman year of college. MY will accomplish this without any additional taxing of our family earnings, and without borrowing any dollars from our government.
MY’s core design intent is to finally place all children on that long-sought plane of social equality, while concomitantly assuring a future ahead of them of economic equality.
We have identified that hidden resource that will self-generate and provide all the funds needed to meet the unmet needs mentioned above. The MY Plan was designed around this resource in order to generate the massive daily dollars needed for:
-The most basic of teaching and learning resources that should be equally available to all K-12 schools
-Equally nutritious meals before and after school for those students in food-challenged homes
-Quality, in-school mental health care specialists, not just guidance councilors
-State of the art school security systems to end school gun violence
-Increased teacher pay in order to entice top-tier educators to get back into education
Fact: Children born to mothers with 12 years of education were more than 30% less likely to die before age 5 than those born to mothers with no education.
Find good, or create it. ~ The Good Idee Group
Many people falsely believe that kids like those at Henry’s school, because they are poor and minorities, receive a free college education. Guess what? They don't. So how many of Henry's kids then, who were born so destitute, can even fathom the concept of taking out a loan for a college education?
And as Henry asked, “How many of these kids do you think have someone in their family that can mentor them on the importance of a high school education, much less a college education?
Henry’s answer?
“Very few I tell you. It’s as foreign to them as filet mignon!”
Exactly Henry. Exactly.
The TODAY show came and did a feature on Henry, shook Henry’s hand, gave him a $50,000 token check from WM, then all headed back to the city. You think that $50K solved Henry’s funding problems?
Things don’t have to be this way.
After 15 years of carefully dotting i’s and crossing t’s, the Good Idee Group comes to you now, simply as parents, just like you. We are here with a creative solution to help schools from those as deprived as Henry’s, to schools in not so desperate need, yet still needing much more than current educational tax funding dollars can provide.
“If each of us possessed such a vision, to where we loved each other’s children with the same fervent love that we have for our own children, our resolve to help them all would be overwhelming. That resolve would be unstoppable.”
What you are about to read is the solution that we can apply to that resolve. The genius of this very simple solution is that every aspect of it unites people of every financial class, every political opinion, of every race, of every culture. There is nothing culturally or politically divisive about The MY Plan.
It seems people often have the attention span of a gnat these days though when asked to read something.
So, keeping in mind the gnat thing, please find below then, what we believe to be the solution. This is our way out; but only if we all work together within something we call, The MY Plan.
“If you want to do something for me, do something for my child.” ~ Frances Naomi Vaughn
OK, so imagine if Wal-Mart and CostCo had a baby; but prettier. Imagine a store that is a blend of a mega grocery and a mega home goods store. Let’s say we call these MY (Mine&Your) Stores. Now imagine these type of stores coast-to-coast, in each community, just like WM, CC, and grocery stores are now.
Each MY Store would be owned by each community that each store is located in. After each purchase that you as a consumer make, all of the “profit” from that purchase, (that the store owner normally puts into their pocket) 100% of it, would go right back into your personal MY education account, so that you can then fund the education concerns of your choosing.
Where does the money go from there?
It’s your money. You choose. A % of those dollars could go right back into the school your child attends within your community in order to fund that school’s financial needs not met by current tax dollar funding. If your child is in private school, you could choose a % of each purchase to fund that tuition. A % could go into the savings portion of your MY account to later be used to pay the future college tuition of your child. Each My Store, each parent, would then be generating and co-funding (along with our current tax dollars that now go towards each schools) the much needed $$’s lacking for all past, present, and future educational needs.
Who pays for all the MY Stores? My Stores would be funded by those educational mega-philanthropists, who we already can see would like to find a permanent solution, just like you and I would. Remember, those educational philanthropists are already donating 60 BILLION per year to education trying to help. They are looking for a solution!
MY Stores would soon become our ‘self-owned,’ ‘self-mega-funding’ behemoth.
Together, we would now own the lemonade stand.
Just imagine, a % to go toward paying off your past tuition debts, no matter how old the debt. A % could go toward teacher’s salaries, a % toward basic classroom resources like needed at Henry’s schools. Quality in-school mental health professionals, quality nutrition at lunch time, then a healthy nutritious meal before leaving school for those that go back to food-challenged homes. How about a % toward top-notch school safety measures?
In MY stores, everyone would clearly see the profit dollars they just earned from their purchase immediately at the register on their receipt. Those dollars would never be given back in cash dollars to any individual however. That money is put in each customer’s personal MEC card, MY Education Costs account. Those monies would then be paid out at specified times of need. i.e When their child starts college, the account would then pay that college with whatever amount of tuition dollars have been saved and put towards the child’s tuition for however long they have been shopping in a MY Store.
Check this out.
I married in 1988. My daughter was born 8 years later. She graduated high school in 2014, 26 years after my wedding. So, had My Stores existed when I married in 1988, my wife and I could have been shopping in MY Stores for 26 years by the time my daughter graduated HS. 26 years! That means, for 26 years, we could have been shopping at MY stores and putting all those profit dollars that are our families profits from our 26 years of family goods purchases, toward our daughter’s college education fund for all of those 26 years. Given the amount of money that we spend annually as a family at grocery stores/WM/Costco, her college education would have long been paid before her HS graduation. Once she graduated from HS and headed for college, our MY account would then pay out her tuition directly to the college. Those dollars could also be used to pay rent in the case of off campus housing and her living expenses while in college. That is money normally paid out of a parents pocket; and very hard to afford.
What if my daughter would have chosen not to go to college; or what if someone shopping in a MY store has grown or no children? First, those dollars could never be cashed in. An individual could choose for those dollars to go toward many other educational needs though. They could be put back into whichever local schools that are deemed to need them the most, put toward proven, successful community programs, used to pay off their own past personal student loan debt, help pay off other’s past student loans, teacher salaries, etc.
If MY ever becomes our new reality, all of us, even “the least of these” in our society, would be empowered as a “self-philanthropist.” What people do not often realize about the poor, is that the poor are not just sitting there anxiously waiting for us to give them something. Life, luck and good fortune has not smiled upon everyone. But even the poor, with their very limited income, want to help themselves and their own children. They don't want you to provide for their children. How would that make you feel? It takes away one’s self-pride. But they do not have a choice. It's easy to see then, why it's poor communities that have the lowest self-esteem.
MY is designed to change that. Think about it. We all have that one thing in common that we do. We all “spend.” And we all use that one single resource that we all possess. We all use “money” to provide the essentials of life for our families. Some just have much less than others. No matter the income level though, in a MY scenario, we would all be improving our own personal lives and finances while simultaneously improving other children's futures by bringing all those “essential spending dollars” full-circle, back to all children.
MY empowers the parent. MY empowers the child. MY empowers the community.
But all three have to come together at the exact same time, or this permanent, perpetual change that is so needed, will never happen.
Is there any action that you can think of, that any of us could take, that would possibly be more self-empowering than the ‘self-philanthropy’ (and we love that word) of seeing our hard-earned $$’s circling back around to each person again, in order to properly fund the needs that have been lacking since forever in schools?
A MY Store in that community, would overrun Henry’s school with the funds his kids and their communities so desperately need; as it would all schools across America. Everyone would support it. Look at it, study it, try to envision it, then see if you can understand and envision the demand that would sensibly just be a naturally created excitement in all communities, for their own MY (Mine&Your) store.
If The MY Plan has gained your interest thus far, keep reading to find out everything we have discovered in the 15 years that we have been developing MY, while simultaneously trying to find that one legal, political, or educational guru that could give us a good reason why the MY concept will not work; and then trying to perfect MY, once we knew that it would.